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Long Term Care

This type of insurance is designed to help pay for the extra expenses associated with a long term stay in a nursing home or assisted living facility. With long term care insurance, you have the protection you need for the high medical expenses incurred by a long term stay in these facilities.

Risk Evaluation

Most people approaching retirement or that are already retired, are normally more conservative in their retirement planning choices. As you prepare to live off of your life savings, risk can be something you don’t want to worry about in your retirement plan.
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Retire Early

Most people don’t know it, but there’s an IRS law that lets you take withdrawals from your retirement savings before you turn 59½ without paying the standard 10% penalty. So you can retire early — and retire earlier than you every thought possible.

Income and Taxes

If you took a penny and doubled it every day for 30 years, and did not pay the taxes until the end of the 30 year period, you would have $10 million dollars.

IRA and 401(k) Rollovers

Many employees and executives have built up significant assets in company retirement plans and IRAs. As they get closer to retirement, accessing these assets will become very important in their retirement plans.

Life Insurance

We work with companies which have the lowest internal costs, expenses and premiums for our clients.


An annuity is a contract between you and a life insurance company. Annuities can be very useful in retirement planning